Wednesday 24 February 2016

Motorola wants to make Next Gen Moto G Shatterproof , But ...

Motorola Moto X Force comes with a "unbreakable" screen ( Shatterproof display ) and its the first Smartphone with that technology . 

Motorola wants to make Next Gen Moto G Shatterproof  , But ...

Well Motorola is planning to add this Technology to other Moto Smartphones . ( But that's too expensive for now ! )

Techradar spoke to Motorola President Rick Osterloh who said

 "Our aim in the long run is take all our tech as low as we can. We did that with the Moto Maker on the Moto G and the little twist to activate the camera ... however, that unbreakable screen technology is super expensive right now and that makes it hard to tier at the moment. But that is our aim."

So , we can expect this Shatterproof screen on Moto G 2017 !

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