Thursday 24 March 2016

So Here is first look at Pok�mon GO [ Screenshots and Details ]

Get your Pok�balls ready , Yeah Pokemon Go is on its way. Today Niantic and The Pok�mon Company has finally posted something about Pok�mon GO .

Pok�mon GO will be a unique game which will enable users to go outside and play in the real world with Pok�mon's . You have to go out into the world to find and capture Pok�mon . While you will explore the world, your phone will give push a notification if there's a wild Pok�mon nearby, allowing you to try and capture it. 

While Some wild Pok�mon will also only show up in their native habitats too. For example, water types Pok�mon's might only be found near bodies of water , Rock Type Pok�mon will be easy to find in the Garden area .

The more you play and the higher your trainer level will become . The Higher your trainer level is , the more powerful Pok�mon will appear in-front of you !

Players will be able to hatch previously-acquired eggs that might reveal new Pok�mon. Eggs and other special items such as Pok� Balls can be acquired at Pok�Stops - located at interesting places such as public art installations, historical markers, museums and monuments.

Though there is no info about the launching date . But Yup The game is on its way !


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