Thursday 19 May 2016

Motorola keeps teasing the RAZR

We were the first to report the news: Motorola is teasing the RAZR. Now that everyone else is reporting it, Motorola uploaded the video to its YouTube account, and it makes us it a new RAZR really coming?

Motorola keeps teasing the RAZR

Motorola Mobility's account just uploaded the video we were talking about today, which means this is a real ad for the new Moto phone that is coming on June 9th. They've also been talking about the RAZR since last week and through their new Snapchat account they are only posting videos about the iconic V3. Now, it's possible that it's not a RAZR, but the phones codenamed Vector Thin and Vertex are rumored to be only 5.2mm thin. Maybe Moto is trying to point out that the new devices will be so cool that everyone will have them, like the original RAZR. 

Whatever it is, we can all agree that the ad looks great and reminds us of the old Motorola, even having the HelloMoto ringtone at the end. At the end of the video we are pointed out to a subscription page, so that we are the first to know about the new phone: Here

Here is the amazing video we are talking about, in case you missed it:

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