Thursday 5 May 2016

This Guy has one of the best Motorola Devices collection

 This Guy has one of the best Motorola Devices collection - TechDroider

Some people collect few things and calls themselves a "FAN" and Some people go even beyond the word "FAN" and dedicate their whole life in collecting things .

Felipe Berhau is a huge Motorola fan, and has been ever since he was 11 year old . Unlike those of us who have given up Motorola and moved on to different Smartphone companies , 
Felipe still spends his free time getting information about Motorola and their Products . 

This Guy has more than 150+ Motorola devices which includes 100+ Motorola Phones and Smartphones . This is the biggest Motorola collection I have ever seen .

When I asked Felipe Berhau about his collection , He said -

It started when I was 11 (2006). I wanted to get the coolest phone at the time in Uruguay which was Motorola V360. After that I became obsessed with the beautiful designs and got Rokr E1, Razr V3, A1200 within the next year. But 2006/2007 was the time Motorola started falling in sales and their phones weren't loved anymore, so I thought: I have to stay with Motorola, I can't leave them now because there will be a time when Motorola is on top again.

After that I followed all the news, product releases, tried to buy all the new devices. I would get sad when they announced bad sales and revenues and I would celebrate when they had earnings. And through the last ten years I didn't leave them.

This Guy just proved the true terminology of word "FAN" and he has one of the best Collection of Motorola Devices in the World !

Here are some of the Images of his Collection -

This Guy has one of the best Motorola Devices collection - TechDroider

This Guy has one of the best Motorola Devices collection - TechDroider

This Guy has one of the best Motorola Devices collection - TechDroider

This Guy has one of the best Motorola Devices collection - TechDroider

This Guy has one of the best Motorola Devices collection - TechDroider

We can't even count how many Motorola Devices he has ! #TrueMotorolaFan ! , Find us on Facebook , Twitter and Google+

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